Ariele Rozovy au Petit Cours du Rocher

Stéphane LebratiUncategorized

Le Petit Cours du Rocher a eu le plaisir d’accueillir Ariele Rozowy, artiste de renommée internationale, pour un projet de création collaborative avec nos élèves. Après une introduction à l’art cinétique, les enfants intrigués étaient impatients de se mettre au travail… Ils se sont ensuite rendus au Fablab pour dessiner et découper au laser leurs futures œuvres dans des plaques … Read More

Toujours plus haut

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

L’escalade est un sport magnifique qui permet aux enfants de cultiver l’endurance, la résilience et la force physique. Il améliore non seulement leur concentration et leur équilibre, mais accélère également leurs capacités de prise de décision. Notre nouvelle coach, Agathe, de l’association réputée “Le 8 Assure“, apporte son expérience et ses qualifications, inspirant les enfants à repousser leurs limites tout … Read More

Reaching New Heights

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

Rock climbing, a magnificent sport that empowers children to cultivate endurance, resilience, and physical strength. It not only enhances their concentration and balance, but also accelerates their decision-making abilities. Our new coach, Agathe, from the esteemed “Le 8 Assure” association, brings a wealth of experience and qualifications, inspiring children to push their boundaries while prioritizing utmost safety. We are incredibly … Read More

Arts Week

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

During this special week, the children had the delightful opportunity to welcome their families to the school and showcase their marvelous artwork. The courtyard was transformed into a vibrant art gallery, adorned with a kaleidoscope of colors! Drawing inspiration from the renowned works of Jean-Michel Basquiat, Piet Mondrian, and Niki de Saint Phalle, the young artists demonstrated their incredible talent … Read More

Engineering for Kids: A Unique Extracurricular Activity in Paris

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

Our primary goal is to introduce children to the world of engineering, applied technology, and digital creation. Scientific studies have proven the positive impact of “Makers” projects from an early age, nurturing essential cognitive skills for 21st-century children: Creativity, Problem-solving Persistence, Critical Thinking, Scientific Method, Conceptual Thinking, Digital Literacy, Collaboration, Independence, and Resilience. Join us in fostering their growth!

CE2 Coding with Robots

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

La semaine dernière, nous nous sommes plongés dans le monde fascinant de la programmation avec des robots. L’un des robots que nous avons explorés était Ozobot, une petite merveille qui glisse le long d’une piste, réagissant aux instructions codées par couleur Our students learned how to input specific colors on the track to convey commands to the robot. Par exemple, … Read More

CE2 Coding with Robots

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

Last week, we delved into the captivating world of coding with robots. One of the robots we explored was Ozobot, a small marvel that glides along a track, responding to color-coded instructions. Our students learned how to input specific colors on the track to convey commands to the robot. For example, “blue-red-green” indicated a left turn at the next intersection, … Read More

Math Week

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

Math at bilingual school

During our exciting Math Week, our students embarked on a hands-on exploration of 3D shapes. Using various materials and guided models, they skillfully constructed intricate creations. Through careful observation and experimentation, they discovered that wooden cocktail sticks and mini marshmallows proved to be the optimal building materials. To showcase their impressive 3D designs, we proudly displayed them in the bustling … Read More

Introduction à l’économie

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

Les enfants CE2 et CM1 ont eu le plaisir d’accueillir Mr Anthony Benhamou, économiste, maître de conférence à Science Po Paris et Président de l’association A3E : Agir pour l’éducation économique des enfants, pour une introduction ludique à l’économie. Les enfants ont posé beaucoup de questions sur la monnaie et sur Science Po.

Introduction to Economics

Stéphane LebratiNews & Events

The CE2 and CM1 students had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Anthony Benhamou, an economist, lecturer at Science Po Paris, and President of the A3E Association: Taking Action for Children’s Economic Education, for a playful introduction to economics. The children asked many questions about currency and Science Po.