Bilingual Kindergarten

Our two schools share the same program and activities.

Learning Areas:

At our bilingual kindergarten, we follow a curriculum that blends the goals of the French National Education system and the British Curriculum. It is organized into five distinct learning areas, which include:

  • Mobilizing language in all its dimensions, encompassing communication, language, and literacy.

  • Acting, expressing oneself, and understanding through physical activity, known as physical development.

  • Acting, expressing oneself, and understanding through artistic activities, known as creative development.

  • Building the initial tools necessary to structure one's thinking, known as mathematical development.

  • Exploring the world around us, known as knowledge and understanding of the world.


Our bilingual school prioritizes the holistic development of each child, preparing them for a seamless transition to the primary school cycle while adhering to the French National Education system's objectives. We understand the importance of festivities and celebrations and incorporate them into our curriculum, ensuring that our students are joyful and engaged in their learning. To guarantee the well-being of both our students and teaching staff, we focus on:

  • Fostering each child's uniqueness and individuality
  • Supporting their journey towards independence
  • Inculcating community values and ethics
  • Encouraging positive relationships with peers
  • Developing their sociability and openness to the world
  • Prioritizing their physical and psychological well-being
  • Encouraging their sensitivity, emotions, and creativity

Our curriculum has been refined annually since 1953, combining the objectives of the French National Education system and the British Curriculum. We teach both French and English equally, immersing our students in both languages on a half-day basis, from an introductory level to fluency.


Preschool and three levels of bilingual kindergarden: Thanks to a small class size, we offer harmony and coherence in the composition of the class.
  • Nursery : "Petite Section" (3 to 4 years old)
  • Petite Section Full-day program only
  • School schedule :
    • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday : 8:30 - 16:30
    • Wednesday : 8:30 - 11:30 / 12:00
  • Extracurricular activities :
    • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday : 16:30 - 17:45
    • Wednesday : see our catalog for Wednesday afternoon activities
  • Classroom with access to the school courtyard
  • Class size limited to 20 children
  • Half-day English program: Experienced native english teacher supported by an experienced native english assistant.
  • Half-day French program: Experienced Francophone teacher supported by an experienced Francophone assistant.

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