Happy learners

Stéphane LebratiNews

On these first months of GS, children have discovered out class mascot, Red Monkey, and decorated the school corridor with bright and colorful art. They have had fun exploring maths hands on with different materials and with our Singapore maths program. In phonics, they have explored sounds using the Jolly Phonics method most of them knew from last year. Children have also been using their imagination to create different small worlds while playing together, indoors and outdoors.

The children are enjoying playing together, learning to share and taking turns whilst inventing stories and having fun. English is encouraged during these times, as Natasha and I interact with them to enrich their play vocabulary and sentence structures.

At the beginning of October, we went to Park Monceau to find the signs of Autumn. The weather was sunny and the children were eager to find leaves and seeds of every kind. We spotted a horse chestnut tree and some conkers, an oak tree and some acorns and a sycamore tree with its seeds, like helicopter blades! After an exciting nature hunt, we took a rest and enjoyed some Autumn fruits, delicious red and green grapes. We had time to have a good run around in the sun, a moment for a refreshing drink before making our way back to school. We had a wonderful afternoon together in the park.